New device user running famous Android read on websites that there is a exciting kind of programs - talking games on Android. Now is a whole selection of cool apps that are designed to fun their possessors. All these games have one thing in common, your virtual animals repeat your words and do simple tasks . Try to this address and laugh with friends! The most new programs use a set of more diverse functions and use better graphics. So, you will give constant attention, monitor nutrition and fun with your new animals. Programmers don't wasting time and almost every month updating their apps. These fun programs on Android designed to fun their users and cheer up. Our editors have tried to find the most popular talking apps that have been available to date. Collection of our site will be constantly added. All you remain to be done is to choose you need program and press the download button. All your speaking wards will gladly repeat your words after you and will do funny actions. Many programs using additional features. Don't forget log in every day to the game to increase your coins. Download popular apps on Android smartphone