This gorilla also bears the name Kerchak. Congo (1995), African action adventure film loosely based on Michael Crichton's novel of the same name. In Disney Junior's short-lived series The Lion Guard based on the 1994 African adventure Disney's The Lion King franchise has gorillas currently introduced including Majinuni (Voiced by Dan Howell), Hafifu (Voiced by (Phil Lester), King Sokwe (Voiced by John Rhys-Davies) and Shujaa (voiced by Christopher Jackson). Episode 1-2. February 20, women power ranger costume 2006. Toon Disney. Singh, Arune (13 June 2006). "Marvel Previews: "Uncanny X-Men," "Beyond," "Marvel Westerns" & "Incredible Hulk"". Fatigue impairs her performance after approximately one hour of peak expenditure of power. He possesses the power to demolecularise whatever he shoots at and can access another dimension from which he can fire at any target he wants wherever it is. Phineas befriended the other Rangers when Nick and Catastros were trapped in another dimension and later helped all the Rangers on their quest for the Fire Heart, during which he displayed impressive acrobatic skills. She has also displayed a limited power of precognition, allowing her to have glimpses of the future. He has the power to grow to the same colossal size as Imperious, as well as turn into an energetic form to be used as Daggeron's finishing move, the "Jenji Shining Attack"; Maddison also used this attack when she saved him, with the normal bright light replaced with bubbles. Imperious is a skilled fighter and extremely powerful, as well as supremely arrogant. The Tribunal of Magic was a group of three powerful, cloaked beings visited by the Rangers in the "Dark Wish" trilogy, who ensure the existence of magic and reside in a separate dimension. Their cardinal law is that those who oppose dark magic are to be punished. In The Adventures of Tintin comic The Black Island, a gorilla called Ranko was featured, who people thought was a monster. In the Planet of the Apes comic books, normal-sized gorillas fill security/military roles. With Randall Duk Kim, Sab Shimono, Sally Kirkland, Anthony Marciona, Leonard Jackson, Calvin Jung, and Joanna Pang in the lead roles. The Master has often had to intervene to stop his minions squabbling - in one case, Koragg was placed on trial before him, accused of being a failure to the villains' cause, and he made his verdict in Koragg's favor. However, the Master was undone when it was revealed Itassis & Necrolai had defected from him (causing the resurrection of Daggeron & Leanbow), the Mystic Mother was still alive and both the people of Briarwood and the forest had gathered against him. He was the first to mention that the Master was going to return. In the space opera webcomic Schlock Mercenary, one of the recurring characters is an uplifted gorilla (i.e. a gorilla that has genetically enhanced, human-level sentience). He is also notable for being the one who solved the puzzle leading to the Fire Heart. Trang was mistakenly credited as playing a masseuse in the film; her screen credit was accidentally switched with Tara Leon, who played a masseuse in the same short scene but was credited as a manicurist. Leelee seems to have an uneasy relationship with her mother, who forced her to try to enter a cave to find Imperious' mummy, although evil beings were unable to enter. Leelee decided that she could no longer continue her evil ways; angling to make friends, she left the Underworld to work alongside the Rangers at the Rock Porium. In "The Return," he came to the Rock Porium with flowers for Leelee, whose sweetheart (according to her) he had become. Additionally, Trang was expected to appear in a TV show called The Adventures of Tracie Z, which also never came to fruition, though a pilot was apparently filmed. Nick and Vida used a spell to knock her off balance, and Serpentina attempted to attack them when the other Rangers came to their aid. Koragg then used a spell to calm or tame the dragon and convince him to work with the Rangers. As the Green Legend Warrior, Xander gains the Mystic Lion Staff which allows him to cast the Rock Slide spell and allows him to join with Vida, Madison, and Chip to become the Mystic Lion. Xander is portrayed by Richard Brancatisano and KÅsuke Okano in the Japanese version. In the animated 1999 Disney version of Tarzan, the hero's adopted family are gorillas (unlike the "Great Apes" of the original book), including the protagonists kind and caring Kala (Voiced by Glenn Close), Kerchak (Voiced by Lance Henriksen) and Terk, (Voiced by Rosie O'Donnell).